Neha Dave*

Business Manager – Speciality Materials
Manufacturing gives everyone in a community the chance to contribute to our national and global economy, regardless of his/her history, background, education or other constraints. I am inspired when I look at every item around me and recognize that each is the product of teamwork, technology and time.”
By age 28, Neha Dave had already made a significant impact at Saint-Gobain Corporation and filled several crucial roles. After a break to earn an MBA at Harvard, Neha was rehired by the company in her current role as Business Manager for Specialty Materials, where she manages a product line with a global customer base and supports four manufacturing plants worldwide.
A few years ago, a vital customer identified a quality problem with a high-volume product, and Neha was tasked with solving it. Her approach was inclusive, involving operators, suppliers, engineering, R&D and management. Very soon, the team achieved the necessary quality improvement, fully satisfying the customer. More importantly, the resulting team engagement during a period of difficulty brought the team to a new level of communication and trust that continues today.
Neha is an outstanding mentor and role model for young women. Her philosophy for mentoring the next generation of engineers includes encouraging her mentees not just to listen and learn, but to bring their own ideas and new ways of thinking to her team. She also encourages them to interact with experienced individuals to experience different job functions and career paths, as well as broaden their prospects.
One of Neha’s noteworthy contributions to Worcester is tutoring local middle and high school students in math so they can apply it to the many industries that surround them. While manufacturing offers a place for diverse thought and for all levels of learning and skill, the traditional classroom experience often enables only a specific learning style. Neha realized this early on, so she helps students build on their learning strengths in order to keep their educational and career options open.