Laura Christobek
Project Manager & Technology Leader
The Procter & Gamble Company
Ever since I was young, I was fascinated with manufacturing – the idea of making something useful out of simple materials. Now that I’ve worked in the industry, I realize that manufacturing is even more exciting. It involves the talents of many people and teamwork to solve complex problems daily.
During her time with Procter & Gamble, Laura has developed technical solutions across multiple manufacturing sites and equipment platforms. Currently, she forecasts and optimizes an annual capital budget of more than $30 million. Laura leads engineering work process teams and multifunctional technical teams to deliver on several global improvement projects. Inclusive, collaborative and innovative, Laura is a resource for project and capital management within P&G. She is also a resource for women in manufacturing and engineering at the company, helping coach them on such issues as work-life balance. And as a mentor for P&G’s female engineering interns, she makes sure they are producing strong work and developing as engineers.
As head of P&G’s Global Innovation Culture team, Laura ensures that the organization is trained on key changes and that cultural survey results are incorporated into daily work for continuous improvement. As GIC team lead, Laura drives action plans behind capacity, sustainability and creating a positive work environment by leading a diverse cross-section of global innovation.
Laura also works with Ohio State Women in Engineering as an engineering mentor, helping cultivate talent at her alma mater. By sponsoring a program that introduces STEM topics to grade school students, Laura has made a direct impact on the next generation of leaders in her industry. Her program curriculum incorporates real-world industry lessons into interactive and challenging daily activities.
Laura’s work with local schools isn’t limited to STEM outreach. She has been instrumental on the board of Cincinnati’s dropout recovery charter schools, interacting with school leadership and legal counsel to review school operations as well as student and staff needs. She has also worked with Cincinnati’s Accelerated Achievement Academy to help recruit, retain and graduate at-risk young adults who no longer qualify for traditional education—efforts which have resulted in hundreds of students earning their high school diplomas.