Virtual D&I Summit

Join us December 7-8 for 2 half days of content covering different dimensions of diversity and inclusion specific to the manufacturing workforce.



The Manufacturing Institute is committed to supporting manufacturers’ efforts to build diverse and inclusive workplaces and strengthen equal opportunity in the United States. Diversity and inclusion make our workplaces stronger, and they also advance our country’s highest ideals.  

Day 1

1:30 – 4:00 PM

Opening Remarks

Business Case for D&I

In this era of globalization, diversity in business includes ability, age, gender, race and ethnicity, and sexual orientation, as well as education, political beliefs, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Today, benefits of creating an inclusive culture for all individuals go beyond the public relations and marketing campaigns. While the moral argument for Diversity and Inclusion is impactful enough, the financial outcome makes D&I a necessity for a business to be competitive.

Exploring the Dimensions of Workplace Diversity

Race Dimension

In May 2020, our national conversation moved again to racial inequity and injustice.  Learn how manufacturers can promote racial equity in their companies and communities.

Ability Dimension

Autism Speaks and the Entertainment Industry Foundation are working with manufacturers to create pathways to one million employment and leadership opportunities for people with autism, intellectual and/or developmental differences by 2025. Learn how you can employ this under-employed segment of our population.

Sexual Orientation Dimension

Out Leadership is working to make LGBT+ equality a priority in global C-Suites. Learn how your company can catalyze new business opportunities, accelerate professional growth and talent development, and stand up for LGBT+ equality.

Military Dimension

Heroes MAKE America builds connections between the military community and the manufacturing industry.  The signature program is an integrated training, certification and career-readiness program. Learn how your company can connect directly to this population of transitioning service members, veterans, National Guard, reservists and active duty military spouses.

Gender Dimension

The STEP Women’s Initiative is working to close the gender gap in manufacturing by empowering and inspiring women in the manufacturing industry through recognition, research and leadership.

Age Dimension

With one-quarter of the manufacturing workforce over 55 years old, learn how manufacturers are addressing this shifting demographic challenges.

4:00 – 4:30 PM (Optional)

Open Discussion & Networking

Day 2

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Day 1 Summary

Executive Panel: Voices from Leadership

Hear from leading executives about how to lead change and embed DEI in an organization’s culture and how to make it part of the fabric of your organization.

Building D&I into Team and Individual Goals

Learn from two leading manufacturers on how they have embedded, and measured, D&I goals for their employees and how other manufacturers can implement these practices in their own facilities.

Call to Action

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