Heroes Connect: Smurfit Westrock
Connecting talent from the military-connected community with manufacturers who are hiring today!
In-Person hiring fair focused on nation-wide employment opportunities in the manufacturing industry.
We invite you to join The Manufacturing Institute’s Heroes MAKE America program at Fort Cavazos for a career fair focused on connecting members of the military and veteran community with manufacturers who are hiring!
Heroes MAKE America supports manufacturers and our nation’s military community by creating opportunities to connect. Through Heroes MAKE America, manufacturers recruit, hire, and retain a diverse military workforce while showcasing rewarding industry careers!
Veterans and military spouses are well-positioned to succeed in manufacturing jobs with skills, talents, and training that are highly valued.
For Job Seekers: There is no cost to participate in the career fair.
For Employers: The cost to participate is $250 per table which covers lunch for two individuals. This event is open to a limited audience, so please register your group at your earliest convenience.
Tips for Attending
Connecting talent from the military-connected community with manufacturers who are hiring today!
Connecting talent from the military and veteran community with manufacturers who are hiring today!
Connecting talent from the military-connected community with manufacturers who are hiring today!
Connecting manufacturers with talent from the military community.
Connecting talent from the military community with manufacturers and supply chain companies who are hiring today!
An overview for the military-connected community to learn how to participate.
Connecting talent from the military and veteran community with manufacturers who are hiring today!
An overview for company representatives who want to learn how to get involved
Connecting talent from the military and veteran community with manufacturers who are hiring today!