Erin Chludzinski*

Sr. Quality Engineer
Manufacturing built the foundation of the United States. It has been key to our history as a strong country. I am passionate about manufacturing because it supports the United States and is one of the greatest influences in our economy. Every day something new is happening and we are making advances.”
Although Erin is early in her career, she has already demonstrated dedication and skill in her tenure at LORD. As a Global Application Engineer, Erin collaborated closely with domestic and international customers providing training and product support. When traditional application methods proved insufficient for new markets and growth opportunities, Erin embraced the challenge and pioneered exploring alternate methods. Recently, Erin took on increased responsibility by transitioning to a position in Global Quality. Erin now leads the internal Quality Management System audit program and supports facilities with external certification audits and continuous improvement activities.
In addition to her memberships in various leadership and networking groups, Erin champions the LORD School-to-Industry program for elementary school students, coordinating volunteers and resources to reach approximately 500 students annually. Erin also leads the LORD session at the Women in Engineering Day at Penn State Behrend, challenging high school girls to design, build and race wooden cars while learning about design-to-cost and manufacturability.
Erin’s involvement in these initiatives isn’t just administrative; it’s hands-on. When the LORD Women in Engineering project had a limited supply of wooden pieces for construction projects Erin spent time outside of work purchasing materials and working with others to make new components.
Erin has participated in service projects with ServErie, Habitat for Humanity, Kiwanis Club of Fort LeBoeuf and a local homeless shelter. For the ServErie project, Erin organized a group of her colleagues as a team-building activity to help renovate a local public school. She also has volunteered for ten years as a radio host for a Polish program called the Polka Celebration Show, where she enjoys talking with longtime listeners and celebrating the milestones of their lives.